Ενεργειακό Γραφείο Κύπρου
Το Ενεργειακό Γραφείο Κύπρου είναι ανεξάρτητος, μη-κυβερνητικός, μη-κερδοσκοπικός οργανισμός, ο οποίος ιδρύθηκε το 2009. Η σύσταση και τα πρώτα τρία χρόνια λειτουργείας του Γραφείου συγχρηματοδοτήθηκα...
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PSD2 & EMIs: How FinTech is Reshaping the Industry
Technology and innovation were the main drivers behind PSD2: emerging novel providers relying on fintech had been out of the initial regulatory scope (PSD1). Regulators enhanced, modernised, and harmonised the payment regulatory framework through PSD...
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14/11/2023 09:00
7 hours
(2 days)
27/11/2023 09:00
12 hours
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Archicad – Revit Data Exchange
Archicad and Revit are the two most used BIM tools for Architects and Engineers. For successful data exchange between fields interoperability and collaboration is a must. Exporting and importing models to and from each software is necessary, otherwis...
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16/11/2023 09:30
9 hours
(1 day)
Advanced AML/CTF Virtual Asset Risk Management
The Advanced AML/CTF Risk Management for Virtual Assets course is a crucial addition to the curriculum due to the rapid growth and increasing prominence of virtual assets and cryptocurrencies in the global financial landscape. As these digital assets...
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